Friday, September 25, 2009


Ok, so this is my first post, and furthermore my first attempt at blogging or keeping any sort of journal ever!! And in the interest of getting to things that i actually care to write about, i think i'll skip what was initially the temptation to introduce myself in gross detail.

For this post, it shall suffice to say that my name is Nick!
And people have on occassion labeled me brutally honest.

Last week i made a revelation. Well, to me it was a revelation. Maybe the rest of you have noticed, and in some small way i think i had too. However last week i realized that the following revelation bothered me.

People don't look at other people when they walk down the street. At least not in the eyes. As i did more research, what i decided was that people will eye one another up from a goodly distance away, picking out friends, acquaintances, and beautiful people, and deciding from 30 feet away or whatever the distance may be, will choose to acknowledge that you exist... or to not.


Ive begun taking steps to fix what i percieve as a major problem. Because i need people to acknowledge me.

When people walk by determinedly staring in a direction that isn't MY direction, i do crazy things.

-staring intently at them
-overacting a double (or sometimes triple) take
-waving excitedly as though i'm an old friend
-cat calling
-challenging them to an impromptu match of rock-paper-scissors ((-lizard-spock) bonus points if you get this reference!)

In addition to the absurd pleasure i get from making these people varying levels of uncomfortable, i get them to LOOK AT ME!

And now that I've achieved my goal, (and this is the crucial part) i smile. For several reasons!!
Firstly, I want to disarm them. After all, I've just made them jump through some WILD social hoops (making eye contact with perfect strangers is much less socially acceptable than it will be by the time i'm through). HOWEVER more importantly, i think my smile might be one of my better features. Moreover, people are more attractive when they smile (usually. There are a few notable exceptions, and the problem is your teeth. For those of you out there that are new to this whole 'getting into Nick's head' thing, take some KNOWLEDGE! i am attracted to good teeth. conversely, bad teeth are a huge turn off. it's kind of a big deal.)! And i want to be found attractive. Because


as i blog this, my roommate Andy would like the world to know that he too is single. and if you want, you can come cuddle with us on the super bed. because there's totally a super bed. Ask us about our super bed.

Alright, so i went to work and when i came back i completely forgot where i was going with all of this, and it's Friday night besides! And i'm off to do friday night things!! SO... more tomorrow i guess!!

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