Alright guys, the gross lack of posting in the month of November has caused me to rethink my blog strategy.
It used to be that i would only post when i was sure i had enough premium life content to keep you guys entertained, but what i found happened under the "laugh quota" regime was that i would start a post one day, decide it wasn't long enough, and then continue to add to it from here to infinity, and what ended up happening was that by the time i was ready to post some huge post, half of what i said was no longer relevant! SO in the interest of keeping some content coming, i'm gonna go ahead and LOWER MY STANDARDS!!
This MAY result in some posts that are a bit blander than others, but hey, at least there's something here again right? ...
There will still be good stuff here.
Please read it occasionally.
today i leave you all with something i found on my friend Kevin's facebook. It is the Charlie Brown Christmas performed by the cast of Scrubs! It's totally excellent. especially if you like Scrubs.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
We Survived the Slootpocalypse!!
Last weekend (nearly 2 weekends ago now) was the long anticipated culmination of many months planning... for some people. It was Halloween!! The weekend of OUTRAGEOUSLY AWESOME COSTUMES and just generally slutty attire! Andy and myself of course, being the procrastinators that we are, didn't take time to put a costume together until Wednesday afternoon, 2 days before we needed them. Classic Niandy (wow, there's really no way to properly combine our names! The point is, we generally function as a single unit) maneuver.
Anyway, we went to Ragstock to find something interesting to inspire us, but after spending about 20 minutes sifting through countless wigs, boyscout uniforms, scrubs, and pimp coats, we decided to move on. I was feeling concerned about our costume future when we entered Goodwill, but it was there that i stumbled upon inspiration!
while digging through a pile of ridiculous hats, wondering who in their right mind would have worn them previous to donating them to the goodwill, when i remembered an obscure internet meme! The link there is this cartoonist's attempts at commercials for several different networks, and they are all really disturbing in one way or another, but the one the hats brought to mind was at about 1:54 in the video. Basically, the costume is this.
So Andy and i bought like 9 outrageous hats (some of them so outrageous that they were never worn) and made a couple signs. It was simple, mildly clever, and easy to include new people should the need arise.
Anyway, here was our finished product, pre-state street. We dressed up strangely to avoid appearing too lazy. Which made it infinitely more fun. I really enjoy dressing up.
In honor of the fall season, we conjured up about 2 gallons of "apple pie" for the weekend, as well as ammo for the beerstick (btw, it will henceforth be known as Excalibur). The apple pie took us a solid 3 hours to make on our first run through (its a crazy process. you mix apple cider and apple juice, bring it to a boil, stir in cinnamon and sugar to taste (it supposedly tastes even better if you have cinnamon sticks to leave in the drink while it cools, but they were in a grocery store far away, and too expensive) then you allow it to cool before adding everclear. again, to taste. The stuff is potent, and it tastes pretty much like apple juice. Its frightening. (best served chilled btw. You're thinking o, apple cider, that would be good hot! We once thought as you did. Honestly, don't do it.)
In the end, what was initially set up to be a small gathering at our apartment on Friday became a party that just barely fit in our apartment (comfortably). We ran out of apple pie that night, and so discovered that there's a much easier way to make it really quickly: pour everclear, sugar, and cinnamon into apple juice. tastes almost exactly the same.
ANYWAY my friend Rob and my cousin Sam came down to join us in the celebration of this esteemed holiday. Rob was Clark Kent (which turned out totally awesome Rob) and my cousin forgot his costume in Cincinnati, so he donned a silly hat and marched with us against all wearers of humdrum head ware!
Speaking of humdrum, how was the fun-vee Jake?
Another really fantastic costume.
So our friends from last year (shout out to all my Slichter peeps! Love you guys) came over on Friday to warm up for other parties. They drank all of our booze, went off to different parties, then ended up coming back later because of some crazy altercation with the other parties. Which was wonderful!... kinda. It was broken up shortly thereafter by one of my good friends becoming violently ill, but it was still overall a pretty fun evening. Eventful, if nothing else.
But Saturday... Ah, Saturday. This was the day we had all been waiting for. We woke up at the crack of 1 PM (Sam got up far earlier, but that's because he passed out at like 11:30. He claims to have been up til 1:30, but i think he's lying. He totally pussed out) and began setting plans in motion. And by that i mean we started drinking again. Everybody whanged, everybody chunged, everybody did a beerstick! Good times were had by all.
Then we went to State Street.
This tradition has changed a lot over the last 5 or so years from the free, crazy, riotous havoc it used to be to a more regulated, police infested, closed off area for people to prance about and take pictures with everyone in their super cool outfits!! I won't say these changes are for the better, but State IS a much SAFER place to be on Halloween than it once was. With the exception of the bandstand of course. Which i come back to later.
People come out in droves for this event, and i won't lie, aside from the many geeky awesome costumes that are witnessed, the best part about State is the women. The ladies go all out for state street, and honestly, it's a bit surprising. Girls, your dedication to the slutty attire in the face of freezing temperatures is inspiring. Really.
Here's a few more of the better costumes I witnessed this Halloween.
In addition to the huge numbers of people that showed up on State for the festivities, UW hires a band each year to play at the base of the capital. This year they brought in Third Eye Blind, with Cage the Elephant as their opener.
Now among my State Street crew was Jake Rohrig (Tony Stark) who loves Third Eye Blind, Rob Finlayson (Clark Kent) who loves Cage the Elephant, Andy and Sam (fellow silly hat wearers) who are mostly indifferent to both of them, and me. I like Cage the Elephant, and i REALLY like Third Eye Blind, but i wasn't sure i wanted to go to the concert. It was kind of a big time commitment, and getting up close would require an amount of effort (ie. shoving) that i didn't really want to participate in. Everyone could sense my aversion to the whole idea, so we decided to forget about the concert and move on.
Bazinga! (you guys never see my little practical jokes coming)
We totally stayed! Rob heard "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" and we all scrambled forth to be up close for when Third Eye Blind came on. We randomly ran into our next door neighbors from the apartment during said scramble, but during the ensuing press forward, we were separated. Like, extremely. Andy and Rob somehow stayed relatively close together, and Jake, Sam and I got up really close to the bandstand. I'm still carrying my "SiLLY HATS ONLY" sign, and in close proximity there is literally nothing i can do with it. I have to hold it above my head, which is already pretty high up. Of course, this little (relatively speaking) Asian dude starts shouting at me to put my sign down. Like i'm capable of something like that. I can't even tie my shoe, how am i supposed to set my sign down? Asshole. Whatever. I hadn't planned on being this close to the band.
It is at this point that State Street becomes frightening. Everyone is pushing to get closer (unsurprisingly) but there's only so much space to smash together, so we all inevitably get a little closer than we would generally be comfortable with, particularly among strangers. This results in some unplanned and occasionally unintentional grinding with a couple of random cute girls we ran into. I honestly couldn't tell you what their costumes were anymore. I've completely forgotten.
Anyway, when Third Eye Blind finally comes on, people get rowdy. Everyone rushes toward the bandstand, shoving violently. And sorry, i lost track of my story a little but it was at THIS point that State got scary. I lost my footing once and almost fell over, which i am CONVINCED would have been the end of my life. There were points where i couldn't breathe, and i had my feet trampled on and my head kicked by crowd surfers so many times i nearly lost my temper (in an 'i might kill you with my sign' sort of way).
We eventually escaped the madness, (dragging our 2 ladies in our wake, as they had had enough trampling too) because honestly, i couldn't even focus on the music, because i had to focus on survival. I had to think about ways to not die. It wasn't conducive to a good concert.
We finally met up with everyone at the apartment around 1 in the morning, at which point we decided we didn't need to go out to any parties, but would rather just watch a movie. And so we played "Tonight We Drink in Hell," a really intense drinking game to the movie 300. Then everybody passed out. The end. I'm sorry, but that just reminded me of this.
Rob and Sam ended up staying through Sunday and going home Monday, which involved watching the Packers vs. Vikings game, sitting around being lazy, eating a crazy unhealthy meal concocted by my cousin, and eventually watching Battle Royale. Man, every time i think i'm gonna wrap up this post i think of something else that i just HAVE to tell you about!
If you haven't seen Battle Royale... well, you have something in common with 98% of America. But it is seriously so funny. The basic plot is this: the Japanese government is sick of children boycotting school (or maybe they were just bored? i don't remember the details), so they round up a random class of school children, bring them to a deserted island, strap explosive collars to their necks, and tell them they have to kill each other. They give each child a random weapon, and send them out into the island to murder each other. It's so crazy!!! And the weapons are great. Some kids get guns, and then the less lucky ones get like... well, the protagonist gets a pot lid, and somebody gets a gps, etc. It's pretty awesome. If you are into the "so bad it's good" movie genre, you should DEFINITELY check this one out.
We actually enjoyed it so much that Andy went out and rented the 2nd one (that's right, a SEQUEL) which turned out to be nowhere near as good. The plot was crazier, they went way too in depth into each characters back story, and there was a lot less killing.
The Olsen twins, as slutty... sluts?
OK, so there are some wings involved, and what appears to be haloes, but... what are those, butterflies? I don't know what it is, but i like it
And secondly, this slutty sailor. You know what? It's been so long since i started this post that i can't remember where i got this image. It's probably not even from Halloween. Looks like maybe she's just a stripper. Like maybe i just googled "slutty sailor" and saved this image. But ya know what? she's hot, so i'm gonna let it slide.
Alright everyone, it's taken me several hours over several days to finish this damned post, but i've finally done it!! Happy Halloween everyone!
Anyway, we went to Ragstock to find something interesting to inspire us, but after spending about 20 minutes sifting through countless wigs, boyscout uniforms, scrubs, and pimp coats, we decided to move on. I was feeling concerned about our costume future when we entered Goodwill, but it was there that i stumbled upon inspiration!
while digging through a pile of ridiculous hats, wondering who in their right mind would have worn them previous to donating them to the goodwill, when i remembered an obscure internet meme! The link there is this cartoonist's attempts at commercials for several different networks, and they are all really disturbing in one way or another, but the one the hats brought to mind was at about 1:54 in the video. Basically, the costume is this.
So Andy and i bought like 9 outrageous hats (some of them so outrageous that they were never worn) and made a couple signs. It was simple, mildly clever, and easy to include new people should the need arise.
Anyway, here was our finished product, pre-state street. We dressed up strangely to avoid appearing too lazy. Which made it infinitely more fun. I really enjoy dressing up.
In honor of the fall season, we conjured up about 2 gallons of "apple pie" for the weekend, as well as ammo for the beerstick (btw, it will henceforth be known as Excalibur). The apple pie took us a solid 3 hours to make on our first run through (its a crazy process. you mix apple cider and apple juice, bring it to a boil, stir in cinnamon and sugar to taste (it supposedly tastes even better if you have cinnamon sticks to leave in the drink while it cools, but they were in a grocery store far away, and too expensive) then you allow it to cool before adding everclear. again, to taste. The stuff is potent, and it tastes pretty much like apple juice. Its frightening. (best served chilled btw. You're thinking o, apple cider, that would be good hot! We once thought as you did. Honestly, don't do it.)
In the end, what was initially set up to be a small gathering at our apartment on Friday became a party that just barely fit in our apartment (comfortably). We ran out of apple pie that night, and so discovered that there's a much easier way to make it really quickly: pour everclear, sugar, and cinnamon into apple juice. tastes almost exactly the same.
ANYWAY my friend Rob and my cousin Sam came down to join us in the celebration of this esteemed holiday. Rob was Clark Kent (which turned out totally awesome Rob) and my cousin forgot his costume in Cincinnati, so he donned a silly hat and marched with us against all wearers of humdrum head ware!
Speaking of humdrum, how was the fun-vee Jake?
Another really fantastic costume.
So our friends from last year (shout out to all my Slichter peeps! Love you guys) came over on Friday to warm up for other parties. They drank all of our booze, went off to different parties, then ended up coming back later because of some crazy altercation with the other parties. Which was wonderful!... kinda. It was broken up shortly thereafter by one of my good friends becoming violently ill, but it was still overall a pretty fun evening. Eventful, if nothing else.
But Saturday... Ah, Saturday. This was the day we had all been waiting for. We woke up at the crack of 1 PM (Sam got up far earlier, but that's because he passed out at like 11:30. He claims to have been up til 1:30, but i think he's lying. He totally pussed out) and began setting plans in motion. And by that i mean we started drinking again. Everybody whanged, everybody chunged, everybody did a beerstick! Good times were had by all.
Then we went to State Street.
This tradition has changed a lot over the last 5 or so years from the free, crazy, riotous havoc it used to be to a more regulated, police infested, closed off area for people to prance about and take pictures with everyone in their super cool outfits!! I won't say these changes are for the better, but State IS a much SAFER place to be on Halloween than it once was. With the exception of the bandstand of course. Which i come back to later.
People come out in droves for this event, and i won't lie, aside from the many geeky awesome costumes that are witnessed, the best part about State is the women. The ladies go all out for state street, and honestly, it's a bit surprising. Girls, your dedication to the slutty attire in the face of freezing temperatures is inspiring. Really.
Here's a few more of the better costumes I witnessed this Halloween.
In addition to the huge numbers of people that showed up on State for the festivities, UW hires a band each year to play at the base of the capital. This year they brought in Third Eye Blind, with Cage the Elephant as their opener.
Now among my State Street crew was Jake Rohrig (Tony Stark) who loves Third Eye Blind, Rob Finlayson (Clark Kent) who loves Cage the Elephant, Andy and Sam (fellow silly hat wearers) who are mostly indifferent to both of them, and me. I like Cage the Elephant, and i REALLY like Third Eye Blind, but i wasn't sure i wanted to go to the concert. It was kind of a big time commitment, and getting up close would require an amount of effort (ie. shoving) that i didn't really want to participate in. Everyone could sense my aversion to the whole idea, so we decided to forget about the concert and move on.
Bazinga! (you guys never see my little practical jokes coming)
We totally stayed! Rob heard "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" and we all scrambled forth to be up close for when Third Eye Blind came on. We randomly ran into our next door neighbors from the apartment during said scramble, but during the ensuing press forward, we were separated. Like, extremely. Andy and Rob somehow stayed relatively close together, and Jake, Sam and I got up really close to the bandstand. I'm still carrying my "SiLLY HATS ONLY" sign, and in close proximity there is literally nothing i can do with it. I have to hold it above my head, which is already pretty high up. Of course, this little (relatively speaking) Asian dude starts shouting at me to put my sign down. Like i'm capable of something like that. I can't even tie my shoe, how am i supposed to set my sign down? Asshole. Whatever. I hadn't planned on being this close to the band.
It is at this point that State Street becomes frightening. Everyone is pushing to get closer (unsurprisingly) but there's only so much space to smash together, so we all inevitably get a little closer than we would generally be comfortable with, particularly among strangers. This results in some unplanned and occasionally unintentional grinding with a couple of random cute girls we ran into. I honestly couldn't tell you what their costumes were anymore. I've completely forgotten.
Anyway, when Third Eye Blind finally comes on, people get rowdy. Everyone rushes toward the bandstand, shoving violently. And sorry, i lost track of my story a little but it was at THIS point that State got scary. I lost my footing once and almost fell over, which i am CONVINCED would have been the end of my life. There were points where i couldn't breathe, and i had my feet trampled on and my head kicked by crowd surfers so many times i nearly lost my temper (in an 'i might kill you with my sign' sort of way).
We eventually escaped the madness, (dragging our 2 ladies in our wake, as they had had enough trampling too) because honestly, i couldn't even focus on the music, because i had to focus on survival. I had to think about ways to not die. It wasn't conducive to a good concert.
We finally met up with everyone at the apartment around 1 in the morning, at which point we decided we didn't need to go out to any parties, but would rather just watch a movie. And so we played "Tonight We Drink in Hell," a really intense drinking game to the movie 300. Then everybody passed out. The end. I'm sorry, but that just reminded me of this.
Rob and Sam ended up staying through Sunday and going home Monday, which involved watching the Packers vs. Vikings game, sitting around being lazy, eating a crazy unhealthy meal concocted by my cousin, and eventually watching Battle Royale. Man, every time i think i'm gonna wrap up this post i think of something else that i just HAVE to tell you about!
If you haven't seen Battle Royale... well, you have something in common with 98% of America. But it is seriously so funny. The basic plot is this: the Japanese government is sick of children boycotting school (or maybe they were just bored? i don't remember the details), so they round up a random class of school children, bring them to a deserted island, strap explosive collars to their necks, and tell them they have to kill each other. They give each child a random weapon, and send them out into the island to murder each other. It's so crazy!!! And the weapons are great. Some kids get guns, and then the less lucky ones get like... well, the protagonist gets a pot lid, and somebody gets a gps, etc. It's pretty awesome. If you are into the "so bad it's good" movie genre, you should DEFINITELY check this one out.
We actually enjoyed it so much that Andy went out and rented the 2nd one (that's right, a SEQUEL) which turned out to be nowhere near as good. The plot was crazier, they went way too in depth into each characters back story, and there was a lot less killing.
The Olsen twins, as slutty... sluts?
OK, so there are some wings involved, and what appears to be haloes, but... what are those, butterflies? I don't know what it is, but i like it
And secondly, this slutty sailor. You know what? It's been so long since i started this post that i can't remember where i got this image. It's probably not even from Halloween. Looks like maybe she's just a stripper. Like maybe i just googled "slutty sailor" and saved this image. But ya know what? she's hot, so i'm gonna let it slide.
Alright everyone, it's taken me several hours over several days to finish this damned post, but i've finally done it!! Happy Halloween everyone!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I'm totally back!!
I just watched Greg make his lunch! And it was even more awesome than it sounds. He asked me to blog about bologna sandwiches, which i was immediately averse to, but when i wandered into the kitchen, i changed my mind.
Bologna has to be one of the more disgusting meats out there. It's like hot dogs, only flattened. For the record, i really like hot dogs. AND i don't mind bologna, given the proper circumstances.
The proper circumstances are as follows:
1. There must be some form of cheese in the sandwich.
2. There must be mayo in the sandwich.
3. I must be outrageously hungry, with little to no time in which to think of/make an alternative meal.
Greg's sandwiches flew in the face of all of my bologna sandwich criteria! He made TWO bologna sandwiches (one slice of bologna each), with nothing more than butter as a buffer between his mouth and questionable flavor! In addition to making one of the most boring sandwiches i've ever seen (second only to me grabbing a plain piece of white bread to eat on my way to class one morning. A mistake i shan't repeat, btw), it was PREMEDITATED! He was packing a lunch! For his trip to the library. There is a whole slew of issues with this plan, but i'm trying to stick to the packed lunch. There was no rush here! After he proudly placed his sandwiches into an overlarge tupperware (does another noun belong there? i never know what to call tupperware. It wasn't like a tupperware bowl. It was like... a tupperware... thingy), he sprinkled some of his staple food, tostitos, over the top. No one love tostitos like Greg. He eats them with/on everything. It's pretty great. So if anyone ever needs nachos...
You had better go find your own chips, because those are Greg's.
I don't remember what random YouTube search brought this on, but i found an alternative to an old meme using a different meme that made me chuckle. It's here.
As long as we are being immature, here's the poop thesaurus. Don't ask how this came up. It made Andy and i laugh for awhile though. But we are occasionally the maturity equivalent of 7 year olds.
I'm finally done with stressful activities until Halloween now, and i am feeling very relaxed. I am caught up on my work for once, so all i need do now is sit through classes until my friends arrive! It's gonna be a wonderful weekend. We found some new female takers for the beerstick!! I really am not going to stop repping it. It is so cool. In fact, if you wanna be cool like me (LOL) then you could get one yourself! One of my friends from high school sells them. Or you could just come hang out with me. Either way. Either way is fine.
CONTAINER!! That's a word that might have worked in the sandwich paragraph. Ugh.
The show Castle made me happy this week, though as Andy already linked the the Malcolm Reynolds comeback moment, i guess i'll leave off. It was pretty great though. Castle decided to be a 'space cowboy' for halloween. Good stuff.
Halloween updates are imminent! You can have 'em next post.
I just watched Greg make his lunch! And it was even more awesome than it sounds. He asked me to blog about bologna sandwiches, which i was immediately averse to, but when i wandered into the kitchen, i changed my mind.
Bologna has to be one of the more disgusting meats out there. It's like hot dogs, only flattened. For the record, i really like hot dogs. AND i don't mind bologna, given the proper circumstances.
The proper circumstances are as follows:
1. There must be some form of cheese in the sandwich.
2. There must be mayo in the sandwich.
3. I must be outrageously hungry, with little to no time in which to think of/make an alternative meal.
Greg's sandwiches flew in the face of all of my bologna sandwich criteria! He made TWO bologna sandwiches (one slice of bologna each), with nothing more than butter as a buffer between his mouth and questionable flavor! In addition to making one of the most boring sandwiches i've ever seen (second only to me grabbing a plain piece of white bread to eat on my way to class one morning. A mistake i shan't repeat, btw), it was PREMEDITATED! He was packing a lunch! For his trip to the library. There is a whole slew of issues with this plan, but i'm trying to stick to the packed lunch. There was no rush here! After he proudly placed his sandwiches into an overlarge tupperware (does another noun belong there? i never know what to call tupperware. It wasn't like a tupperware bowl. It was like... a tupperware... thingy), he sprinkled some of his staple food, tostitos, over the top. No one love tostitos like Greg. He eats them with/on everything. It's pretty great. So if anyone ever needs nachos...
You had better go find your own chips, because those are Greg's.
I don't remember what random YouTube search brought this on, but i found an alternative to an old meme using a different meme that made me chuckle. It's here.
As long as we are being immature, here's the poop thesaurus. Don't ask how this came up. It made Andy and i laugh for awhile though. But we are occasionally the maturity equivalent of 7 year olds.
I'm finally done with stressful activities until Halloween now, and i am feeling very relaxed. I am caught up on my work for once, so all i need do now is sit through classes until my friends arrive! It's gonna be a wonderful weekend. We found some new female takers for the beerstick!! I really am not going to stop repping it. It is so cool. In fact, if you wanna be cool like me (LOL) then you could get one yourself! One of my friends from high school sells them. Or you could just come hang out with me. Either way. Either way is fine.
CONTAINER!! That's a word that might have worked in the sandwich paragraph. Ugh.
The show Castle made me happy this week, though as Andy already linked the the Malcolm Reynolds comeback moment, i guess i'll leave off. It was pretty great though. Castle decided to be a 'space cowboy' for halloween. Good stuff.
Halloween updates are imminent! You can have 'em next post.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This Is Me, Being Contrite
I said some things I'm not proud of yesterday, shaming myself, causing unnecessary friction, and just generally being a punk.
I used my blog to vent some late night drunken frustrations, dredging up old stale arguments and twisting them to make me feel better about my (then) situation. I have since deleted them, hopefully before too many of you got to it.
I have to study a bit for an upcoming exam, but this may be my last post for awhile. The immediate flurry of well deserved hate mail regarding my 'crossed the line' post has me thinking that perhaps i need to take some time to consider whether i should have a blog at all.
Sorry to have let y'all down.
I used my blog to vent some late night drunken frustrations, dredging up old stale arguments and twisting them to make me feel better about my (then) situation. I have since deleted them, hopefully before too many of you got to it.
I have to study a bit for an upcoming exam, but this may be my last post for awhile. The immediate flurry of well deserved hate mail regarding my 'crossed the line' post has me thinking that perhaps i need to take some time to consider whether i should have a blog at all.
Sorry to have let y'all down.
Drunk Blog Time!!
Evening friends!!!
I am slumped in my computer chair on this lovely Saturday evening (Sunday morning) trying to sober up before bed and i thought to myself "hey self! know what you haven't done in a while?? BLOGGED!" so here we are. (the we in this case being myself, and then drunk me, who will henceforth be referred to as Francisco. The two of us will be battling for coherence throughout the post. Its gonna be epic. Dear, i hope i win.)
For the record, i HAD a plan for today's post earlier, but Francisco went through my mente and threw all of my brilliant ideas in the basura.
BAZINGA!!! I'm full of good ideas.
Andy and i (and Francisco) are looking for love in this college town, and thus far, we've found lots of drunken hussies. And lots of really cool, really cute girls with boyfriends. And a few crazy girls. But very few girls we could/should be dating! *gasp* Shocking, i know. We are working on it.
The sad reality is that i have at MOST one more year to work the college venue, relationship wise, and after that, the dating pool is going to be absolute garbage, comparatively speaking. Buckle up kids, it's time to get more aggressive. No holds barred Nick (or Francisco, situation pending), comin' at ya! I'm swearing off of cowardice. Opportunities will be taken, boldness will be my daily breakfast, and... well, this pep talk has gone kind of... swervy. So I'ma move on.
Last year, i was a pimp
The year before that, i was Harry Potter (my favorite Halloween by far so far)
I am slumped in my computer chair on this lovely Saturday evening (Sunday morning) trying to sober up before bed and i thought to myself "hey self! know what you haven't done in a while?? BLOGGED!" so here we are. (the we in this case being myself, and then drunk me, who will henceforth be referred to as Francisco. The two of us will be battling for coherence throughout the post. Its gonna be epic. Dear, i hope i win.)
For the record, i HAD a plan for today's post earlier, but Francisco went through my mente and threw all of my brilliant ideas in the basura.
BAZINGA!!! I'm full of good ideas.
Andy and i (and Francisco) are looking for love in this college town, and thus far, we've found lots of drunken hussies. And lots of really cool, really cute girls with boyfriends. And a few crazy girls. But very few girls we could/should be dating! *gasp* Shocking, i know. We are working on it.
The sad reality is that i have at MOST one more year to work the college venue, relationship wise, and after that, the dating pool is going to be absolute garbage, comparatively speaking. Buckle up kids, it's time to get more aggressive. No holds barred Nick (or Francisco, situation pending), comin' at ya! I'm swearing off of cowardice. Opportunities will be taken, boldness will be my daily breakfast, and... well, this pep talk has gone kind of... swervy. So I'ma move on.
Last year, i was a pimp
The year before that, i was Harry Potter (my favorite Halloween by far so far)
I have no costume for this year thus far, so i may just go as a college student.
But seriously, I'm not telling you what my costume is. I'll post pictures if it turns out that i'm proud of it ;)
That's all for tonight as we are approaching 5 en la maƱana, so with no further adieu, ...
That's all for tonight as we are approaching 5 en la maƱana, so with no further adieu, ...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"Stamp a Nick on her forehead and call it done!"
I was listening to some Owl City on the way to work today, and i got to thinking. As happens from time to time.
I was listening to Fireflies (the one that's super popular right now. you know the one i'm talking about. If you don't, here it is) which i honestly really like. I'm totally on the Owl City bandwagon. Fireflies is a great song, but my favorite song by them is On The Wing. But ANYWAY I was listening to Fireflies, and i decided one of the lines kinda made me uncomfortable.
Throughout the song he is talking about how beautiful and awesome the thousands of fireflies are, and then about 2/3 of the way through, he's like, well, the fireflies left, and it made me sad. The next line is, "But I'll know where several are/if my dreams get real bizarre/'cuz i saved a few and i keep them in a jar"
First of all, the concept of 10,000,000 of any insect is pretty frightening. To me. I DO NOT LIKE swarmy things.
So there are these 10 MILLION fireflies right? Scary. Bear with me (lol). OK, let's pretend it's nighttime. Beautiful, lots of lights, that's great. daytime? those aren't lights, that is a LOT of freaking BUGS!! RUN AWAY!
Now that we are past what i would consider to be a plague of insects, i'd like to draw your attention to the next line.
He GRABS a couple of them and holds them captive in a tiny prison-like jar!
I haven't decided whose side i'm on yet.
My friend Nick from high school posted this on his facebook, and it made me giggle, so i thought i'd share it with you!
Andy's weekend is pretty well spoken for, so i have to find other people with which i can hang. I plan on going to see a movie at some point, but other than that, my weekend is pretty wide open! Give me a ring. Or a comment if you don't have my numba ;)
My annoyingly helpful roommate says we can't watch the new How I Met Your Mother until i finish my homework, so i have to go now.
I was listening to Fireflies (the one that's super popular right now. you know the one i'm talking about. If you don't, here it is) which i honestly really like. I'm totally on the Owl City bandwagon. Fireflies is a great song, but my favorite song by them is On The Wing. But ANYWAY I was listening to Fireflies, and i decided one of the lines kinda made me uncomfortable.
Throughout the song he is talking about how beautiful and awesome the thousands of fireflies are, and then about 2/3 of the way through, he's like, well, the fireflies left, and it made me sad. The next line is, "But I'll know where several are/if my dreams get real bizarre/'cuz i saved a few and i keep them in a jar"
First of all, the concept of 10,000,000 of any insect is pretty frightening. To me. I DO NOT LIKE swarmy things.
So there are these 10 MILLION fireflies right? Scary. Bear with me (lol). OK, let's pretend it's nighttime. Beautiful, lots of lights, that's great. daytime? those aren't lights, that is a LOT of freaking BUGS!! RUN AWAY!
Now that we are past what i would consider to be a plague of insects, i'd like to draw your attention to the next line.
He GRABS a couple of them and holds them captive in a tiny prison-like jar!
I haven't decided whose side i'm on yet.
My friend Nick from high school posted this on his facebook, and it made me giggle, so i thought i'd share it with you!
Andy's weekend is pretty well spoken for, so i have to find other people with which i can hang. I plan on going to see a movie at some point, but other than that, my weekend is pretty wide open! Give me a ring. Or a comment if you don't have my numba ;)
My annoyingly helpful roommate says we can't watch the new How I Met Your Mother until i finish my homework, so i have to go now.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Mood Pollution
Today, i woke up feeling rather crabby. There are a plethora of reasons for this, but it will suffice to say that i didn't get enough sleep. I rose with a short fuse, and felt my temper flare almost immediately. Firstly, i woke to the girls chattering in the living room. Which is fine. But what i was thinking was, "Why aren't they busy making my french toast?"
I woke up and asked them how they slept (with only a bit of mockery, considering the events of the past evening), followed pretty abruptly by WHERE IS MY FUCKING FRENCH TOAST?!
Then there was some hedging/excuses involving Andy still being asleep, and asking if we had the appropriate ingredients. We had no cinnamon in the house of course, so i dutifully went and bought some while Andy entered the world of the wakeful.
When i returned, Andy was awake, but as i entered the apartment with the final necessary ingredient for french toast, Lauren and Emily had convinced everyone to watch "I threw It on the Ground!" which is an SNL skit (its really funny actually). I begged her to start the french toast instead, but she insisted that the video had to be viewed immediately.
It is at this point that i grow frustrated. I've been up for a good 45 minutes now, with no near future prospects of the delicious breakfast i was promised. Because we all know what is started when one embarks on a viral video journey. It's never just one video. Once you pop, you just can't stop. They SAID it would be just one video, but this is a common theme of my life. I tell someone how something is going to happen, they refuse to listen, do the stupid thing anyway, and then it happens.
Sophomore year, back when i had football tickets, Jake and I would always go to the game together, with a hodge-podge of different tag-a-longs (incidentally my favorite girl scout cookie). Nearly every game, we would stay until the very end, and then participate in "5th quarter." Now these games are already at least 3 hours long. By the end of them, I am always tired of standing, and absolutely ravenous, however Jake always wants to stay for the little song and dance portion which is another 30 minutes of energetic jumping, shouting, and thrusting hips about that i frankly never feel up for post game. We were there with people who had done 5th quarter before (and for those of you that have never done it, or perhaps done it just once, it is always the same. They play the same 5-6 songs every time, without fail. Not exciting. In my opinion at least. Which is currently the one that matters.)
I turn to Jake and say, "Jake, can we PLEASE go get some food? I am gonna die if we stay for 5th quarter today, and everyone here has experienced it before, and you KNOW i love the badgers, but i've just been expressing it for three solid hours! I'm hoarse, exhausted, and starving. Food? Please? I'll let you decide where!"
At this point, he looks at me contemplatively, as if to size up whether my current figure could withstand another hour of malnourishment. He says to me, "Nick, i just want to sing Varsity, and after that, we can go." Sounds like a bargain, right?
I KNOW that if we stay for Varsity, the transitions are far too smooth with the band, and far too alluring to this school spirit filled all-American badger cheering machine. If we are here for Varsity, i will not be able to pull him away. I voice my concerns.
"Jake. Please. I know you. Don't make me do this. Please."
"Nick, i promise, it will just be varsity"
It wasn't just varsity. We did varsity, the band started "Tequila" and i saw Jake's eyes light up, and i resigned myself to starving to death. Back to my original story.
We watched I Threw It on the Ground, which led to repeated quotations of other Andy Samburg shorts, which led to statements like, "Wait!! You haven't seen _____ ?! O, we have to watch that right now!!" Rinse and repeat. I just want my french toast.
So i'm trying to stifle my urge to scream as the third Samburg classic comes on when Aaron pokes his head into the room and asks me if i could help him do some dishes. Not only am i not enjoying a delicious, sugary, fulfilling breakfast, but i am also now engaging in courtesy driven labor. I am feeling pretty furious.
Generally this sequence of events would have been a minor disappointment at worst, but this is cranky Nick. I take no prisoners. It's all i can do to be cordial. I finally get my french toast, and it was pretty great. an hour and a half later than i would have liked it, but delicious nonetheless (thank you Lauren). We finish eating breakfast, and realize that we have about 45 minutes before our movie showing of Where the Wild Things Are. Andy jumps in the shower, and comes out with about 32 minutes til show time. Now i know that it will take us about 15 minutes to drive to the theater, and i've also made note that the car taking us there isn't directly outside of the apartment. So when Lauren declares she would really like a shower, i once more voice my concerns.
If we left when Andy came out of the shower, we may have made it to the theater in time for previews. I explained my quick number crunch to Lauren while Andy was finishing his shower, but as is nearly always the case, i am assured that what i am sure will happen won't happen. Lauren says she can take a shower in 5 minutes. I am skeptical. But once again, it isn't like i can forbid my friends from doing what they are gonna do, so i let her take her stupid shower (WE ARE GOING TO A MOVIE THEATER. WE AREN'T GOING TO LOOK AT YOU, WE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT THE WILD THINGS. ITS DARK IN THERE. ZOMGZ.) Her shower takes 10 minutes, and the consequent hair and make-up session seals our fate as not only missing the previews, but potentially the first few minutes of the movie. This is a huge pet peeve for me. I walk with them all the way to car, at which point i look at my phone. It is 2:50. The movie starts at 2:50. I realize that if i go with them, i am just going to be a bundle of negative energy. I would certainly have brought the whole group down.
I turned around, walked home, and took a nap. I felt much much better after that. And Andy told me the movie was "pretty good," which if you know Andy, is like a 4 out of 10 for anyone else. He likes everything nowadays. Pretty good is a condemnation as far as i'm concerned.
Later, we watched All the Real Girls, one of Andy's favorite movies, but right at the freaking climax i get a text from one of my friends in my Shakespeare class reminding me to go to a review session for the exam i kinda forgot i had. So i didn't get to see the end of that, which was kind of disappointing.
These are two things that made today more tolerable
shane singing 5 octaves
LOL!!! Check that finale!!! excellent.
Have a good day everyone.
I woke up and asked them how they slept (with only a bit of mockery, considering the events of the past evening), followed pretty abruptly by WHERE IS MY FUCKING FRENCH TOAST?!
Then there was some hedging/excuses involving Andy still being asleep, and asking if we had the appropriate ingredients. We had no cinnamon in the house of course, so i dutifully went and bought some while Andy entered the world of the wakeful.
When i returned, Andy was awake, but as i entered the apartment with the final necessary ingredient for french toast, Lauren and Emily had convinced everyone to watch "I threw It on the Ground!" which is an SNL skit (its really funny actually). I begged her to start the french toast instead, but she insisted that the video had to be viewed immediately.
It is at this point that i grow frustrated. I've been up for a good 45 minutes now, with no near future prospects of the delicious breakfast i was promised. Because we all know what is started when one embarks on a viral video journey. It's never just one video. Once you pop, you just can't stop. They SAID it would be just one video, but this is a common theme of my life. I tell someone how something is going to happen, they refuse to listen, do the stupid thing anyway, and then it happens.
Sophomore year, back when i had football tickets, Jake and I would always go to the game together, with a hodge-podge of different tag-a-longs (incidentally my favorite girl scout cookie). Nearly every game, we would stay until the very end, and then participate in "5th quarter." Now these games are already at least 3 hours long. By the end of them, I am always tired of standing, and absolutely ravenous, however Jake always wants to stay for the little song and dance portion which is another 30 minutes of energetic jumping, shouting, and thrusting hips about that i frankly never feel up for post game. We were there with people who had done 5th quarter before (and for those of you that have never done it, or perhaps done it just once, it is always the same. They play the same 5-6 songs every time, without fail. Not exciting. In my opinion at least. Which is currently the one that matters.)
I turn to Jake and say, "Jake, can we PLEASE go get some food? I am gonna die if we stay for 5th quarter today, and everyone here has experienced it before, and you KNOW i love the badgers, but i've just been expressing it for three solid hours! I'm hoarse, exhausted, and starving. Food? Please? I'll let you decide where!"
At this point, he looks at me contemplatively, as if to size up whether my current figure could withstand another hour of malnourishment. He says to me, "Nick, i just want to sing Varsity, and after that, we can go." Sounds like a bargain, right?
I KNOW that if we stay for Varsity, the transitions are far too smooth with the band, and far too alluring to this school spirit filled all-American badger cheering machine. If we are here for Varsity, i will not be able to pull him away. I voice my concerns.
"Jake. Please. I know you. Don't make me do this. Please."
"Nick, i promise, it will just be varsity"
It wasn't just varsity. We did varsity, the band started "Tequila" and i saw Jake's eyes light up, and i resigned myself to starving to death. Back to my original story.
We watched I Threw It on the Ground, which led to repeated quotations of other Andy Samburg shorts, which led to statements like, "Wait!! You haven't seen _____ ?! O, we have to watch that right now!!" Rinse and repeat. I just want my french toast.
So i'm trying to stifle my urge to scream as the third Samburg classic comes on when Aaron pokes his head into the room and asks me if i could help him do some dishes. Not only am i not enjoying a delicious, sugary, fulfilling breakfast, but i am also now engaging in courtesy driven labor. I am feeling pretty furious.
Generally this sequence of events would have been a minor disappointment at worst, but this is cranky Nick. I take no prisoners. It's all i can do to be cordial. I finally get my french toast, and it was pretty great. an hour and a half later than i would have liked it, but delicious nonetheless (thank you Lauren). We finish eating breakfast, and realize that we have about 45 minutes before our movie showing of Where the Wild Things Are. Andy jumps in the shower, and comes out with about 32 minutes til show time. Now i know that it will take us about 15 minutes to drive to the theater, and i've also made note that the car taking us there isn't directly outside of the apartment. So when Lauren declares she would really like a shower, i once more voice my concerns.
If we left when Andy came out of the shower, we may have made it to the theater in time for previews. I explained my quick number crunch to Lauren while Andy was finishing his shower, but as is nearly always the case, i am assured that what i am sure will happen won't happen. Lauren says she can take a shower in 5 minutes. I am skeptical. But once again, it isn't like i can forbid my friends from doing what they are gonna do, so i let her take her stupid shower (WE ARE GOING TO A MOVIE THEATER. WE AREN'T GOING TO LOOK AT YOU, WE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT THE WILD THINGS. ITS DARK IN THERE. ZOMGZ.) Her shower takes 10 minutes, and the consequent hair and make-up session seals our fate as not only missing the previews, but potentially the first few minutes of the movie. This is a huge pet peeve for me. I walk with them all the way to car, at which point i look at my phone. It is 2:50. The movie starts at 2:50. I realize that if i go with them, i am just going to be a bundle of negative energy. I would certainly have brought the whole group down.
I turned around, walked home, and took a nap. I felt much much better after that. And Andy told me the movie was "pretty good," which if you know Andy, is like a 4 out of 10 for anyone else. He likes everything nowadays. Pretty good is a condemnation as far as i'm concerned.
Later, we watched All the Real Girls, one of Andy's favorite movies, but right at the freaking climax i get a text from one of my friends in my Shakespeare class reminding me to go to a review session for the exam i kinda forgot i had. So i didn't get to see the end of that, which was kind of disappointing.
These are two things that made today more tolerable
shane singing 5 octaves
LOL!!! Check that finale!!! excellent.
Have a good day everyone.
These Bitches Wanted to Play a Game
"Identity theft is not a joke Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!!"
Once upon a time our honored guests, Emily and Lauren, that we agreed to house for the weekend thought it might be a fun idea to commandeer our super bed. This wasn't a fun idea. They thought to catch us unawares by sneaking into our bedroom and falling asleep whilst a movie was on.
In addition to attempting to wrest control of the comfortable sleeping quarters Andy and i call... well, sleeping quarters, (AKAs: the superbed, the continuum), Lauren thought it might be funny to put up a fraudulent post in my esteemed name. (see last post)
OK, so it might have been a LITTLE funny. HOWEVER Andy and i agreed we weren't budging from our 'they can't have our bed' standpoint before they arrived. Mostly out of spite, because they said they would be trying to steal it from us for the entirety of their stay. Also i would like to point out, it may have been in our hearts to allow them the bed had they asked nicely upon arriving. And bought us a drink or two. However not only did they steal what was ours to give or not give, they ALSO promised us breakfast each morning!! I don't think it was too much to ask.
They broke the agreement
We couldn't let the rampant theft and lies go unanswered, so we reclaimed what was ours. We obnoxious'd Lauren out using loud music and chauvinistic humor, and Emily (who wakes up for nothing and no one) we had to carry out. Anyway, i am looking forward to our conciliatory french toast tomorrow. It's gonna be delicious.
I think we are going to see Where the Wild Things Are tomorrow as well, which is kind of exciting.
O ALSO Andy and i stayed up late watching "One Missed Call", which we have owned for possibly an entire year without watching. And it was spectacularly awful, as anticipated. I freakin' love bad horror films.
Alright, talk to ya soon blogosphere!
Once upon a time our honored guests, Emily and Lauren, that we agreed to house for the weekend thought it might be a fun idea to commandeer our super bed. This wasn't a fun idea. They thought to catch us unawares by sneaking into our bedroom and falling asleep whilst a movie was on.
In addition to attempting to wrest control of the comfortable sleeping quarters Andy and i call... well, sleeping quarters, (AKAs: the superbed, the continuum), Lauren thought it might be funny to put up a fraudulent post in my esteemed name. (see last post)
OK, so it might have been a LITTLE funny. HOWEVER Andy and i agreed we weren't budging from our 'they can't have our bed' standpoint before they arrived. Mostly out of spite, because they said they would be trying to steal it from us for the entirety of their stay. Also i would like to point out, it may have been in our hearts to allow them the bed had they asked nicely upon arriving. And bought us a drink or two. However not only did they steal what was ours to give or not give, they ALSO promised us breakfast each morning!! I don't think it was too much to ask.
They broke the agreement
We couldn't let the rampant theft and lies go unanswered, so we reclaimed what was ours. We obnoxious'd Lauren out using loud music and chauvinistic humor, and Emily (who wakes up for nothing and no one) we had to carry out. Anyway, i am looking forward to our conciliatory french toast tomorrow. It's gonna be delicious.
I think we are going to see Where the Wild Things Are tomorrow as well, which is kind of exciting.
O ALSO Andy and i stayed up late watching "One Missed Call", which we have owned for possibly an entire year without watching. And it was spectacularly awful, as anticipated. I freakin' love bad horror films.
Alright, talk to ya soon blogosphere!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Dear Diary,
I fucking love you. Yes you, diary. You might be the sexiest thing alive. Or sub-alive....
Thank you blog for being there when nobody else would be, including Andrew who sleeps in the bed with me! The superbed!!! So what could I ask of you diary? To be my best friend? To supply my cuddling needs? Hardly.
You make me feel alive again!!!!
I fucking love you. Yes you, diary. You might be the sexiest thing alive. Or sub-alive....
Thank you blog for being there when nobody else would be, including Andrew who sleeps in the bed with me! The superbed!!! So what could I ask of you diary? To be my best friend? To supply my cuddling needs? Hardly.
You make me feel alive again!!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Good evening friends! I will be attempting to make chili for the roommates and myself as i type this, so if i lose my train of thought at a few points of this... well, it probably won't be much different than any other posts!! Curse my inability to focus on anything.
Today, i think I'd like to discuss Lil' Wayne. Rap has been a guilty pleasure for me for the past 6ish years, and in the recent past, i've been feeling less guilty about it. It's good for dancin', makes me feel badass when i'm in the mood to, and... well i dunno, I'm of the opinion that the more you listen to something, the more you like it. That being said, I'm not into country currently. BUT i did have a country phase when i was younger. Everyone stop being so close minded! The current song stuck in my head is replay by Iyaz. It's like my iPod's stuck on replay. Eff.
Anyway, Lil' Wayne!! I don't see what's so special about him. He (like every other R&B artist nowadays) uses a voice synthesizer, and i don't think his rhymes are that impressive most of the time. Don't get me wrong, i still like a lot of his stuff. But greatest rapper of all time? I think not. The only thing truly impressive about him is that he freestyles most everything he does. And I'm not even sure if that's true! My cousin Sam said so, but what does he know? I think there are lots better rappers out there. Also, his voice kind of annoys me.
I finished the chili!! And it was good. Well, i liked it anyway. My roommates SAID they liked it, so I'm beginning to think I'm pretty good at this cooking thing. Even though chili is the easiest thing ever to make.
The weekend is rapidly approaching once more, and i am getting very excited!! Andy's friend Lauren is coming, and we are all gonna hang out and do crazy things!! (if you want to participate, and you're in the area, give me a ring!!) There is one problem though...
Last year i think i reached a potentially unrepeatable level of fun, and the thought of surpassing it is staggering.
Last year, Andy, Aaron, and myself were all pretty drunk, and we went to the bathroom coincidentally at the same time. When we got there, the radio was playing. The song? Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas. The three of us exchanged looks, and immediately took up our fighting stances in a triangular type formation. We proceeded to do slow motion kung fu (including short 1v1 interludes when one of us was temporarily kicked out of battle or some such (into a stall)) until the song ended. I feel pretty certain that i have never had such a good time. Epic? Definitely.
Sad? Maybe.
So this weekend, I'm hoping i can convince a few more people to join me in beer stick land (it's happy here) and maybe, if I'm lucky, we may join in mortal combat. Or just slow motion full contact kung fu. Either way. Either way is fine.
Nap Time May Be Ruining My Life
I think that nap time is making my life very difficult.
I put no restrictions on Friday or Saturday, so they usually end up being really late nights (3 to 5 in the morning) followed by waking up in the late afternoon (again, as late as 3-5). Then when Sunday rolls around, i probably just woke up at 4:30, how am i to go to sleep at midnight? I don't feel at all tired, so i dick around for a couple more hours, and i end up in what i now lovingly refer to as the inescapable nap cycle.
It's like this. I stay up late, get up early for class/work, come back around midday, take a HUGE nap, then go back to class/work, come back not that tired again, rinse, repeat.
Now i guess this wouldn't be a problem except that today i was having trouble staying awake for 2 of my lectures. Considering my newly found drive to succeed, this is largely unacceptable. I mean, today it might have been OK, because i just had an exam in one of them, and the other one contains at least 2 close friends to borrow notes from. But it's something i have to change.
I'm actually still feeling groggy from the huge nap i just took. but uh... as Rob might say in his blog, stay spiny folks. I'll get a new post up soon. because this one felt altogether unsatisfactory.
I put no restrictions on Friday or Saturday, so they usually end up being really late nights (3 to 5 in the morning) followed by waking up in the late afternoon (again, as late as 3-5). Then when Sunday rolls around, i probably just woke up at 4:30, how am i to go to sleep at midnight? I don't feel at all tired, so i dick around for a couple more hours, and i end up in what i now lovingly refer to as the inescapable nap cycle.
It's like this. I stay up late, get up early for class/work, come back around midday, take a HUGE nap, then go back to class/work, come back not that tired again, rinse, repeat.
Now i guess this wouldn't be a problem except that today i was having trouble staying awake for 2 of my lectures. Considering my newly found drive to succeed, this is largely unacceptable. I mean, today it might have been OK, because i just had an exam in one of them, and the other one contains at least 2 close friends to borrow notes from. But it's something i have to change.
I'm actually still feeling groggy from the huge nap i just took. but uh... as Rob might say in his blog, stay spiny folks. I'll get a new post up soon. because this one felt altogether unsatisfactory.
Monday, October 12, 2009
"I'm the Hip-Hop-Opotamus, my lyrics are bottomless! ..."
Today i remembered something that happened to me in freshman year, and it struck me so powerfully when it happened again this morning that i have to relate it to you now.
Pretty girls make me forget how to yawn.
I don't know how this happens. Freshman year i was walking down the street yawning myself a mighty yawn, and i was right at the climax of my yawnery when this really cute girl walked by staring at me, her eyes (and in fact her entire expression for some reason!) saying something like What the hell is that guy doing? It was like she had never seen a yawn before! And in that moment, i panicked, and completely forgot how to finish the action. Which left me embarrassingly walking down the street with my mouth wide open for no particular reason. Like, really wide.
And at work today, it happened again. It was so strange. It's like a mental block now! I'm afraid i wont remember how to yawn when i need to! Yikes.
As i look at the clock, i realize i've yawned at least once for each time i've typed the word. It is time for sleeps, but i will continue my pointless inner (though less so now) monologue on the morrow!
Pretty girls make me forget how to yawn.
I don't know how this happens. Freshman year i was walking down the street yawning myself a mighty yawn, and i was right at the climax of my yawnery when this really cute girl walked by staring at me, her eyes (and in fact her entire expression for some reason!) saying something like What the hell is that guy doing? It was like she had never seen a yawn before! And in that moment, i panicked, and completely forgot how to finish the action. Which left me embarrassingly walking down the street with my mouth wide open for no particular reason. Like, really wide.
And at work today, it happened again. It was so strange. It's like a mental block now! I'm afraid i wont remember how to yawn when i need to! Yikes.
As i look at the clock, i realize i've yawned at least once for each time i've typed the word. It is time for sleeps, but i will continue my pointless inner (though less so now) monologue on the morrow!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
How Does It Feel to Be the Enemy?
Hey, who looks awesome in purple, and whooped the packers on Monday night football last night?
...Well, technically, The Vikings!! But more specifically, Brett Favre.
It was a pretty fun game to watch actually, with lots of turnovers and points, and in the end, I think it just came down to the Packers having a horrific offensive line trying to protect their budding quarterback (who actually played fantastically despite having the Viking's defense crawling up his ass the whole game!!) AP actually didn't do much, but Favre had a hell of a game.
Alright, I'm done talking about it. Sorry Packer fans. And anti sports friends.
Wanna hear about another thing you might not care about but i think is really exciting?! OK, awesome! (did i just have a stroke?)
Relient K released a new album! And I think they are my favorite band of all time. Though I'm not sure. Also, I don't know if the new album is quite as good as their older stuff, but I've only made it through half of the album. I'll get back to you on that.
I'm playing the staying awake game in class. I call it a game to try to convince myself that it's gonna be fun. I am rarely fooled. In an attempt to "win" today's "game" i will be going to my power lecture this afternoon with a full bladder. So we'll see how that goes. (Hey, this is future Nick. That didn't work.)
Omg, it FINALLY CAME!! A few weeks ago I was a little tipsy and i purchased something I tried early last year. On that occasion, the host called it "The Painstick", however I remembered that one of my friends from high school had started a website peddling his "Bierstick". I bought one, and it GOT HERE!!! YAY!!
Tawdrily clad hot girls not included.
So if you haven't heard of/seen/tried this before, it's basically a massive beer syringe. You fill it up with beer, put the nozzle in your mouth, and then put the plunger against something solid (or against the cleavage of the nearest cute girl conveniently wearing lingerie) and voila! You sprint at your target, shooting beer directly into your stomach! You literally don't even have to swallow. It goes directly into your stomach.
Can you BELIEVE that Andy doesn't wanna try that?!?!
Lol. I am totally psyched for this weekend.
Alright, one more exam to study for this evening, I'll talk to you folks tomorrow!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
"I'm a jerk! Just acknowledge it and begone!"
I had a weekend.
I laughed, I cried, I saw a great band in concert!!
Andy introduced me to the band (via iTunes) We The Living about 2 weeks ago, has had them on repeat ever since, and we got tickets to go to their Madison concert on Saturday!! It was TOTALLY AWESOME!! Go check 'em out on iTunes if you've got it, look up Half the Girl and give it a listen. I'd shoot you a YouTube link, but they only have live songs on there, which are varying levels of poor quality. ANYWAY i got to meet the band and all that jazz, which was super fantastic. They were all really cool, and the lead guitarist was painting custom t shirts for people after the show, and... it was just... crazy. New man crushes. They can have a spot behind Will Smith, Andy, and Neil Patrick Harris.
Other recent events:
Andy and I (and btw don't get confused. It's rarely just me and Andy going out, but the rest of the group is so variable, whereas he is kind of a staple member. Also, not gay, but supportive. anyway...) went to the Karaoke Kid on Friday AND Saturday nights, and... well, we actually sang the same song both nights. lol. We couldn't get enough Inside Out by Eve 6. We rocked the place... on both occasions.
Also, my friend Renee's birthday was today, and she requested that she be allowed to make use of our apartment for a birthday party on Saturday. It was actually a pretty sweet party! I got to see the 4th floor Slichter (my residence last year, REPRESENT!) crew from last year, which is ALWAYS fun, because Andy and I are like celebrities. We love you guys! I'll come visit soon. Anyway, Andy and I didn't stay long as we had out of town visitors to entertain, but it looked like a good time. They only broke 2 of our glasses!! That's a gift I think. Chelsea puked IN the toilet (I'm so proud), and we only lost 2 glasses. And there were oodles of freshmen there! a gift i tell you!!
BTW, for you grammar nazis out there... First of all, I am pretty clearly making very little effort to make this grammatically perfect. However i have been deciding whether or not i want to capitalize all my I's. Because i talk about myself a lot. Have U noticed that? :P I'm gonna make a decision soon, i promise.
My phrase of the evening: domonstrably fallacious. Thank you Big Bang Theory, i (I?) will now be attempting to slip that into every day conversation.
I laughed, I cried, I saw a great band in concert!!
Andy introduced me to the band (via iTunes) We The Living about 2 weeks ago, has had them on repeat ever since, and we got tickets to go to their Madison concert on Saturday!! It was TOTALLY AWESOME!! Go check 'em out on iTunes if you've got it, look up Half the Girl and give it a listen. I'd shoot you a YouTube link, but they only have live songs on there, which are varying levels of poor quality. ANYWAY i got to meet the band and all that jazz, which was super fantastic. They were all really cool, and the lead guitarist was painting custom t shirts for people after the show, and... it was just... crazy. New man crushes. They can have a spot behind Will Smith, Andy, and Neil Patrick Harris.
Other recent events:
Andy and I (and btw don't get confused. It's rarely just me and Andy going out, but the rest of the group is so variable, whereas he is kind of a staple member. Also, not gay, but supportive. anyway...) went to the Karaoke Kid on Friday AND Saturday nights, and... well, we actually sang the same song both nights. lol. We couldn't get enough Inside Out by Eve 6. We rocked the place... on both occasions.
Also, my friend Renee's birthday was today, and she requested that she be allowed to make use of our apartment for a birthday party on Saturday. It was actually a pretty sweet party! I got to see the 4th floor Slichter (my residence last year, REPRESENT!) crew from last year, which is ALWAYS fun, because Andy and I are like celebrities. We love you guys! I'll come visit soon. Anyway, Andy and I didn't stay long as we had out of town visitors to entertain, but it looked like a good time. They only broke 2 of our glasses!! That's a gift I think. Chelsea puked IN the toilet (I'm so proud), and we only lost 2 glasses. And there were oodles of freshmen there! a gift i tell you!!
BTW, for you grammar nazis out there... First of all, I am pretty clearly making very little effort to make this grammatically perfect. However i have been deciding whether or not i want to capitalize all my I's. Because i talk about myself a lot. Have U noticed that? :P I'm gonna make a decision soon, i promise.
My phrase of the evening: domonstrably fallacious. Thank you Big Bang Theory, i (I?) will now be attempting to slip that into every day conversation.
Shut Your Mouth Hole and Open Your Drink Hole!!
Tonight was the inaugural Bierstick usage night. And it did not disappoint! I will be honest friends. I hadn't tried the (what was at the last party i tried it at referred to as the "pain stick") bierstick in about a year. And i totally approached it inappropriately, resulting in beer going out of my mouth, up my nose, and all over the apartment! My body remembered how to do it on the second try however, thank goodness.
WOW it has been a long time since i POSTED! SoRrY!!! i have THINGS to SAY now though!
That first paragraph was from Friday night. This is my FOURTH attempt at blogging in the past week (though this one will be completed unlike those many others). It seemed that for one of the first weeks in Nick history, i was legitimately busy for a good portion of the week! I studied hard for exams, did all of my homework, maintained my social standing, and managed to catch up a tad on all of the television shows i juggle! I know that doesn't sound like a crazy week for some of you out there, but... i did homework AND i studied! These are things I've regularly neglected in my college career up to this year. I mean, I've crammed loads of times. But for these exams i STUDIED! It was crazy! (and for the record i got a 90% on my spanish exam. I'm not sure about my linguistics just yet)
Anyway, about the bierstick.
This weekend was all about it.
I am pleased to announce that despite their initial misgivings, every roommate tried the new drinking technology. Aaron and I were of course excited, but as my previous post mentioned, Andy was more than a little resistant, and Greg...
I'm sorry Greg, but they have to understand...
Greg does this thing. Firstly, he's very choosy about his beer. He only likes Newcastle. He will settle for a few other beers if the situation gets dicey, but he's not happy about it. ALSO if he opens one, one of two things happens.
1. The entire group is anchored to the apartment until Greg finishes (est. one hour) OR
2. We all try to peer pressure Greg into slamming the beer on the spot so we can get going to whatever our actual plans for the evening are. It is at this point that Greg refuses to succumb to our peer pressure, and elects instead to put his half beer back in the fridge for "later".
I shit you not, this happens on 85% of Friday and Saturday nights. Greg WILL NOT slam beer. EVAR! He doesn't like it. And the beer he accepts is not conducive to chugging anyway. So he puts it in the fridge, a place where "later" never comes. Of course by the time he finds his half beer in never neverland, it's a good 14 hours later, and... well, he's not gonna drink THAT swill now is he?
The point is, this habit of Greg's has turned his name into a verb meaning "to shamefully waste a beer by 'saving it' for later"
Don't worry, I know that was a little confusing. I'll use it in a sentence.
"Come on guys, I'm really full! Can't you just wait another, like, 10 minutes?"
"No way man! Hike up your skirt, Sally! But, I mean, hey, if you really can't finish it, just Greg it."
Greg was not down for the bierstick.
I saw the spark in Andy's eyes however. After watching a few other people try it (including me, unsuccessfully), I began to see some interest forming there. It was at some point during our peer pressuring of Andy that Greg piped up and said, "I'll do it if Andy does it."
This was a mistake
Andy then held power over someone! His actions could directly influence Greg's! Moments later, our friend Britney spoke up claiming that if Greg did it she would, sealing Greg's fate. Two lives in the balance was more than Andy could pass up, so we loaded the bierstick, and Andy took it like a champion.
As i re-evaluate that last phrase (lol) i realize another side note is in order. The bierstick is very fun, however it requires a bit of instruction for first timers. NO MATTER HOW you try to explain it, it sounds like you are teaching the person how to suck a dick. Which becomes funnier the more you use the stick. (see what i mean?) Direct quotes from bierstick tutelage:
"Just relax your jaw and swallow"
"You have to grasp the stick firmly"
"You are too tense! Just relax and let it happen!"
And it got worse as the night went on.
THE POINT IS! Greg eventually tried the bierstick. He was then the way we got other noobs to try it.
"Hey, no matter what happens, it can't be worse than when Greg tried it!"
The only way i can describe it is as a beercano. There was some overflowing, and then everyone had to run for cover!
I am so sorry Greg. I still respect you as a man, and as a friend. Drinking beer quickly just isn't your gift. And that's ok.
Last night we went to a "Hipsters vs. Bros party, an event filled with mustaches (both real and fake), skinny jeans, popped collar polos and baseball caps worn at funny angles. In other words it was a TOTALLY AWESOME PARTY!!!! The bierstick was a huge hit. It was almost as cool as all the facial hair present.
There's Joe, with his creepy hipster 'stache (there's a bro in the background) and then me, being all the bro i know how to be.
O, and Greg thought his costume looked a bit like Friedrich Nietzsche. And I totally agree! See for yourself!!
WOW it has been a long time since i POSTED! SoRrY!!! i have THINGS to SAY now though!
That first paragraph was from Friday night. This is my FOURTH attempt at blogging in the past week (though this one will be completed unlike those many others). It seemed that for one of the first weeks in Nick history, i was legitimately busy for a good portion of the week! I studied hard for exams, did all of my homework, maintained my social standing, and managed to catch up a tad on all of the television shows i juggle! I know that doesn't sound like a crazy week for some of you out there, but... i did homework AND i studied! These are things I've regularly neglected in my college career up to this year. I mean, I've crammed loads of times. But for these exams i STUDIED! It was crazy! (and for the record i got a 90% on my spanish exam. I'm not sure about my linguistics just yet)
Anyway, about the bierstick.
This weekend was all about it.
I am pleased to announce that despite their initial misgivings, every roommate tried the new drinking technology. Aaron and I were of course excited, but as my previous post mentioned, Andy was more than a little resistant, and Greg...
I'm sorry Greg, but they have to understand...
Greg does this thing. Firstly, he's very choosy about his beer. He only likes Newcastle. He will settle for a few other beers if the situation gets dicey, but he's not happy about it. ALSO if he opens one, one of two things happens.
1. The entire group is anchored to the apartment until Greg finishes (est. one hour) OR
2. We all try to peer pressure Greg into slamming the beer on the spot so we can get going to whatever our actual plans for the evening are. It is at this point that Greg refuses to succumb to our peer pressure, and elects instead to put his half beer back in the fridge for "later".
I shit you not, this happens on 85% of Friday and Saturday nights. Greg WILL NOT slam beer. EVAR! He doesn't like it. And the beer he accepts is not conducive to chugging anyway. So he puts it in the fridge, a place where "later" never comes. Of course by the time he finds his half beer in never neverland, it's a good 14 hours later, and... well, he's not gonna drink THAT swill now is he?
The point is, this habit of Greg's has turned his name into a verb meaning "to shamefully waste a beer by 'saving it' for later"
Don't worry, I know that was a little confusing. I'll use it in a sentence.
"Come on guys, I'm really full! Can't you just wait another, like, 10 minutes?"
"No way man! Hike up your skirt, Sally! But, I mean, hey, if you really can't finish it, just Greg it."
Greg was not down for the bierstick.
I saw the spark in Andy's eyes however. After watching a few other people try it (including me, unsuccessfully), I began to see some interest forming there. It was at some point during our peer pressuring of Andy that Greg piped up and said, "I'll do it if Andy does it."
This was a mistake
Andy then held power over someone! His actions could directly influence Greg's! Moments later, our friend Britney spoke up claiming that if Greg did it she would, sealing Greg's fate. Two lives in the balance was more than Andy could pass up, so we loaded the bierstick, and Andy took it like a champion.
As i re-evaluate that last phrase (lol) i realize another side note is in order. The bierstick is very fun, however it requires a bit of instruction for first timers. NO MATTER HOW you try to explain it, it sounds like you are teaching the person how to suck a dick. Which becomes funnier the more you use the stick. (see what i mean?) Direct quotes from bierstick tutelage:
"Just relax your jaw and swallow"
"You have to grasp the stick firmly"
"You are too tense! Just relax and let it happen!"
And it got worse as the night went on.
THE POINT IS! Greg eventually tried the bierstick. He was then the way we got other noobs to try it.
"Hey, no matter what happens, it can't be worse than when Greg tried it!"
The only way i can describe it is as a beercano. There was some overflowing, and then everyone had to run for cover!
I am so sorry Greg. I still respect you as a man, and as a friend. Drinking beer quickly just isn't your gift. And that's ok.
Last night we went to a "Hipsters vs. Bros party, an event filled with mustaches (both real and fake), skinny jeans, popped collar polos and baseball caps worn at funny angles. In other words it was a TOTALLY AWESOME PARTY!!!! The bierstick was a huge hit. It was almost as cool as all the facial hair present.
There's Joe, with his creepy hipster 'stache (there's a bro in the background) and then me, being all the bro i know how to be.
O, and Greg thought his costume looked a bit like Friedrich Nietzsche. And I totally agree! See for yourself!!
It's uncanny!
I've actually lost track of which is which.
I've actually lost track of which is which.
Alright, well there have been more bro-ings on in the past week, but i haven't posted in awhile, and i don't wanna give you all of my thoughts in a single post! Because then what would i write about tomorrow?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Arkansas: where even being pregnant doesn't stop you from getting pregnant.
Last night, i attempted to write a 4 page Shakespeare paper. The problem? I had only slept 4 hours the night before, I had class all day, and i worked once in the afternoon, and again at night. I had about 2 free hours in the middle of my day, so i got about a page and half in before i had to go to my final obligation of the day. I got home from work around 11:30 PM. I was not getting to bed early.
Luckily, I had purchased a 4 pack of monster energy drink during my break in the afternoon. One for each page if it came to that. Don't think i wasn't committed. This thing is getting DONE! It did not end quickly. I discovered that energy drinks, while keeping me awake, didn't help my brain function. I lost most of my utility by about 2:30 in the morning, and from there on my last page and a half was the slowest of slow crawls. When i had finally finished my paper at about 5:45 AM, i decided it might be fun to edit the paper for simple spelling and grammar errors. The content after all (I thought) would be irreparably mediocre, so i could just get my 10 points for proper spelling and 10 for an original thesis, (which i had written back when i was forming coherent thoughts), and come out with at least a BC paper. I found a few missing words and grammar flaws, but i also found some content that appeared a bit less... professional on the second read through. The following was an actual extract from my original paper.
"Unfortunately, this attitude is causing him unnecessary friction in his life, and in my opinion he need not be so anti-fairies. Fairies are people too. Except they aren’t people. They are fairies."
My thoughts as i read this, in the order i had them:
1) Ha, fairies
2) Oops, I mentioned myself in my paper
3) Hey, this is formatted grammatically as though I'm writing a blog post!
*queue maniacal laughter.
Good lord, that night was not good times. I have just awoken from my 4 hour post class nap, feeling very slightly less retarded than I had hours ago, and i am just sitting here begging my body to forgive me. I promise body, I'll never do that to you again!
Random image is random.
Yesterday afternoon (while i was sleep deprived from the previous night, but still fighting valiantly for sanity) i was at work serving food to the masses. I handed this girl her cheeseburger or whatever she asked for, with an, "anything else for you?" At this point, she glanced down at my name tag and exclaimed, "Hey, you're that guy that ditched Beth!!"
OK, 2 things. One: I am tired. Ive never met this girl before, and she introduced herself using a situation that i had to struggle to comprehend actually happened
AAAAAND two!: i did NOT ditch Beth! I was totally psyched for my shift with Beth!! I picked up another class!!! Beth, your cousin verbally assaulted me when i was mentally unstable! It was traumatic, and... kind of flattering! Because you MUST be talking about me to your cousin (Melissa? i think?). maybe we should go out some time?
Speaking of work, on the same shift, my gay friend/coworker told me a story from last year. We'll say his name is Johnny Hammersticks. At Liz Waters (my place of employment) we have comment cards lying out. People write their comments down, and then the head manager of the dining hall writes a comment back, and puts them up on the comment board. Someone wrote a comment that said, "Johnny Hammersticks is the best!!!"
At this point, the manager decided she was gonna be funny, and wrote back, "at what?" Someone then finished the very bathroom stall-esqe conversation by inserting "cock sucking". Johnny saw the sign before the managers took it down and said, "HA! I'm finally being recognized for all my hard work!!" lol. You go, Hammersticks.
Luckily, I had purchased a 4 pack of monster energy drink during my break in the afternoon. One for each page if it came to that. Don't think i wasn't committed. This thing is getting DONE! It did not end quickly. I discovered that energy drinks, while keeping me awake, didn't help my brain function. I lost most of my utility by about 2:30 in the morning, and from there on my last page and a half was the slowest of slow crawls. When i had finally finished my paper at about 5:45 AM, i decided it might be fun to edit the paper for simple spelling and grammar errors. The content after all (I thought) would be irreparably mediocre, so i could just get my 10 points for proper spelling and 10 for an original thesis, (which i had written back when i was forming coherent thoughts), and come out with at least a BC paper. I found a few missing words and grammar flaws, but i also found some content that appeared a bit less... professional on the second read through. The following was an actual extract from my original paper.
"Unfortunately, this attitude is causing him unnecessary friction in his life, and in my opinion he need not be so anti-fairies. Fairies are people too. Except they aren’t people. They are fairies."
My thoughts as i read this, in the order i had them:
1) Ha, fairies
2) Oops, I mentioned myself in my paper
3) Hey, this is formatted grammatically as though I'm writing a blog post!
*queue maniacal laughter.
Good lord, that night was not good times. I have just awoken from my 4 hour post class nap, feeling very slightly less retarded than I had hours ago, and i am just sitting here begging my body to forgive me. I promise body, I'll never do that to you again!
Random image is random.
Yesterday afternoon (while i was sleep deprived from the previous night, but still fighting valiantly for sanity) i was at work serving food to the masses. I handed this girl her cheeseburger or whatever she asked for, with an, "anything else for you?" At this point, she glanced down at my name tag and exclaimed, "Hey, you're that guy that ditched Beth!!"
OK, 2 things. One: I am tired. Ive never met this girl before, and she introduced herself using a situation that i had to struggle to comprehend actually happened
AAAAAND two!: i did NOT ditch Beth! I was totally psyched for my shift with Beth!! I picked up another class!!! Beth, your cousin verbally assaulted me when i was mentally unstable! It was traumatic, and... kind of flattering! Because you MUST be talking about me to your cousin (Melissa? i think?). maybe we should go out some time?
Speaking of work, on the same shift, my gay friend/coworker told me a story from last year. We'll say his name is Johnny Hammersticks. At Liz Waters (my place of employment) we have comment cards lying out. People write their comments down, and then the head manager of the dining hall writes a comment back, and puts them up on the comment board. Someone wrote a comment that said, "Johnny Hammersticks is the best!!!"
At this point, the manager decided she was gonna be funny, and wrote back, "at what?" Someone then finished the very bathroom stall-esqe conversation by inserting "cock sucking". Johnny saw the sign before the managers took it down and said, "HA! I'm finally being recognized for all my hard work!!" lol. You go, Hammersticks.
Happy friday all!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Crayons Can Melt on Us for All I Care
Hello again my friends!!!!
SO the Das Boot night pictures are FINALLY HERE!!!
Our photographer had left by the time we had gotten to the Karaoke Kid unfortunately, but I'll give ya what i can!
So this is Me, Andy, and Drew drinking from the ol' boot!! Drew is really good at it.
Too good perhaps. Relax the jaw Drew, relax the jaw and swallow ;)
Ya know, in hindsight, i wish we would have captured the massive difficulty everyone had while they were trying to get past the bubble in the toe! Because that is a totally legitimate difficulty, and you have to be either ultra confident in addition to having seen the movie Beerfest, or SUPER careful! And on the first time around, the whole circle was a strange mix of the two, resulting in beer slapping us all in the face. SHAAAAAMMMMEE. We had 3 boots between the 5 of us. it was some really good times!!
The other day (2 weeks ago?) Andy and I went out to dinner with our friend Ashley for her birthday at Uno's in Madison. We had been seated, and were just chatting amongst ourselves when our waitress skipped over (and i'm barely exaggerating here) and introduced herself. She gave us the usual hello, my name is... but when she got to her name, she drew this napkin out of her little check pouch dealie (whatever that's called) and with a MASSIVE flourish, she set it gently, almost lovingly on the table. It had her name on it (Rachel), and she timed it such that as she said it, the napkin was landing. And then she got this look on her face that told me she was hungry for approval, like she was a kindergartner, and she needed me to tell her that the picture of the pink duck she had colored was really splendid and original.
I literally laughed right in her face. Which i immediately regretted due to the hurt look on HER face, but what was i supposed to do? She had colored outside the lines, and what kind of ducks are pink anyway? Have i taken this metaphor too far? The point is, she wasn't going to get her approval from me. On the plus side, i wasn't her most abrasive customer. One of our other friends made a fuss about portion sizes, and ended up sending her food back (lol Stacey, fight the man).
Andy and I beat Gears of War 2 today!! Truthfully, Andy beat it by himself for the most part. The campaign bored me a little, and the co op campaign is set up so i can come and go as i please, so i did. The end was pretty anti-climactic, and I'm not gonna lie, the game is getting old for me. If you have any leisure activity suggestions, I'm up for something new! (disclaimer: the multiplayer option for this game was truly wonderful, we just played it for a lot of hours, and I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things. Or bigger and better games.)
And now its question answerin' time!
Lauren, I'm not super impressed with your questions. Very low energy, I can tell you didn't put much thought into them. That being said prepare for them to be answered in PAINSTAKING LENGTH!!
First of all, I'm not a huge Bagel eater. But if i did eat them regularly i would probably... wait, wtf is a SALT bagel? ish. i guess poppy, given those options? Whatever. But when i eat bagels, its like... i dunno, this is gonna sound really lazy, but they're hard to chew. I get about halfway through 'em, and then I'm pretty much sick of chewing. Also, they don't have much flavor. You need to douse them in cream cheese to make them enjoyable. In fact, when I eat bagels, i make them into sandwiches more often than not. And even then i would almost rather have bread. The extra stuff in the middle of the bagel doesnt make it any easier to chew after all.
And the meaning of life. I suppose i would say the meaning of life is to develop relationships with those around us. We are here on Earth for a very limited time, and as one of my favorite Relient K songs says, "Our hearts are all we'll get to bring, so let's go ahead and make them worth something!" O by the way, I believe in God and heaven, and while I am currently spiritually speaking a bit further from Him than I'm comfortable with, I will be reconnecting very soon. Feel free to ask me about my beliefs if you are curious.
O and speaking of questions, i didn't actually tell you what they were, but that's partially because they were kind of silly (or vague and cliche). They were in the comments of yesterday's post. However if you have something you wanna know about me/hear me talk about, throw a comment on this thing, and i'll get to you tomorrow! or maybe Friday, Ive got a paper to work on.
SO the Das Boot night pictures are FINALLY HERE!!!
Our photographer had left by the time we had gotten to the Karaoke Kid unfortunately, but I'll give ya what i can!
So this is Me, Andy, and Drew drinking from the ol' boot!! Drew is really good at it.
Too good perhaps. Relax the jaw Drew, relax the jaw and swallow ;)
Ya know, in hindsight, i wish we would have captured the massive difficulty everyone had while they were trying to get past the bubble in the toe! Because that is a totally legitimate difficulty, and you have to be either ultra confident in addition to having seen the movie Beerfest, or SUPER careful! And on the first time around, the whole circle was a strange mix of the two, resulting in beer slapping us all in the face. SHAAAAAMMMMEE. We had 3 boots between the 5 of us. it was some really good times!!
Andy spotted him toward the middle of the night, and made everyone look at him. I was determined to get a picture with him in a discrete manner, but in the end i got frustrated and a little too drunk, so i just walked up to him and said something to the effect of, hey Bruce Willis, will you take a picture with me? And then he said yes. LOL. What a sport.
Andy spotted him toward the middle of the night, and made everyone look at him. I was determined to get a picture with him in a discrete manner, but in the end i got frustrated and a little too drunk, so i just walked up to him and said something to the effect of, hey Bruce Willis, will you take a picture with me? And then he said yes. LOL. What a sport.
The other day (2 weeks ago?) Andy and I went out to dinner with our friend Ashley for her birthday at Uno's in Madison. We had been seated, and were just chatting amongst ourselves when our waitress skipped over (and i'm barely exaggerating here) and introduced herself. She gave us the usual hello, my name is... but when she got to her name, she drew this napkin out of her little check pouch dealie (whatever that's called) and with a MASSIVE flourish, she set it gently, almost lovingly on the table. It had her name on it (Rachel), and she timed it such that as she said it, the napkin was landing. And then she got this look on her face that told me she was hungry for approval, like she was a kindergartner, and she needed me to tell her that the picture of the pink duck she had colored was really splendid and original.
I literally laughed right in her face. Which i immediately regretted due to the hurt look on HER face, but what was i supposed to do? She had colored outside the lines, and what kind of ducks are pink anyway? Have i taken this metaphor too far? The point is, she wasn't going to get her approval from me. On the plus side, i wasn't her most abrasive customer. One of our other friends made a fuss about portion sizes, and ended up sending her food back (lol Stacey, fight the man).
Andy and I beat Gears of War 2 today!! Truthfully, Andy beat it by himself for the most part. The campaign bored me a little, and the co op campaign is set up so i can come and go as i please, so i did. The end was pretty anti-climactic, and I'm not gonna lie, the game is getting old for me. If you have any leisure activity suggestions, I'm up for something new! (disclaimer: the multiplayer option for this game was truly wonderful, we just played it for a lot of hours, and I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things. Or bigger and better games.)
And now its question answerin' time!
Lauren, I'm not super impressed with your questions. Very low energy, I can tell you didn't put much thought into them. That being said prepare for them to be answered in PAINSTAKING LENGTH!!
First of all, I'm not a huge Bagel eater. But if i did eat them regularly i would probably... wait, wtf is a SALT bagel? ish. i guess poppy, given those options? Whatever. But when i eat bagels, its like... i dunno, this is gonna sound really lazy, but they're hard to chew. I get about halfway through 'em, and then I'm pretty much sick of chewing. Also, they don't have much flavor. You need to douse them in cream cheese to make them enjoyable. In fact, when I eat bagels, i make them into sandwiches more often than not. And even then i would almost rather have bread. The extra stuff in the middle of the bagel doesnt make it any easier to chew after all.
And the meaning of life. I suppose i would say the meaning of life is to develop relationships with those around us. We are here on Earth for a very limited time, and as one of my favorite Relient K songs says, "Our hearts are all we'll get to bring, so let's go ahead and make them worth something!" O by the way, I believe in God and heaven, and while I am currently spiritually speaking a bit further from Him than I'm comfortable with, I will be reconnecting very soon. Feel free to ask me about my beliefs if you are curious.
O and speaking of questions, i didn't actually tell you what they were, but that's partially because they were kind of silly (or vague and cliche). They were in the comments of yesterday's post. However if you have something you wanna know about me/hear me talk about, throw a comment on this thing, and i'll get to you tomorrow! or maybe Friday, Ive got a paper to work on.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
"It's curtains for you, Dr. Horrible. Lacy, gently wafting curtains"
I am exhausted this evening, so this blog may be brief.
I don't know if i can muster the strength to be funny this evening, so instead, this post will be more of a get to know Nick post.
I've never been in love. I've dated, and I've had random party make outs, and I've had random party make outs that end in dating, but nothing too terribly serious.
I am a recovering terrible student. Homework is almost impossible to do until i reach panicked, night before it's due mode. It's not conducive to good grades. I'm working on it.
My favorite beer is New Glarus Spotted Cow. You can't buy it in Minnesota, and this makes me very sad. I am sippin' on one as i type this.
I don't have a 'type' per se. I guess we can start here: I like girls. It baffles me that certain hair colors or eye colors so greatly affect people's attraction to other people. HOWEVER that being said, I DO find myself less attracted to Asian girls. I don't know what it is. There are a few exceptions, but in general... not for me.
I am fascinated by objects (and specifically animals) that are larger than i am. Whales, SHARKS, sky scrapers, transformers, DINOSAURS, jungle cats, etc. Remember that scene from the new King Kong movie where king kong fights off like 3 t rexes?!?! totally awesome.
Things that swarm frighten me/creep me out. New Indiana Jones film, with the ants or whatever? I know, most of you are trying to pretend they didn't make the new movie, but I'm kind of a sucker for Shia. And shameless action flicks.
I would really love to write a book. However, what with this blog, schoolwork, REGULAR work, and screwing around, i simply can't find the time. Also, i get the feeling i would REALLY love it, and try to like, make a career out of it, and if i did THAT, well... why did i even go to college? Lord knows my writing skills haven't much improved over the course of my Madison experience. I'll get to it eventually. As a side project.
OK, I'm too lazy to add fun links and pictures and such. Maybe i can do some REALLY cool things tomorrow to make up for it? ok sweet, it's a deal!
I don't know if i can muster the strength to be funny this evening, so instead, this post will be more of a get to know Nick post.
I've never been in love. I've dated, and I've had random party make outs, and I've had random party make outs that end in dating, but nothing too terribly serious.
I am a recovering terrible student. Homework is almost impossible to do until i reach panicked, night before it's due mode. It's not conducive to good grades. I'm working on it.
My favorite beer is New Glarus Spotted Cow. You can't buy it in Minnesota, and this makes me very sad. I am sippin' on one as i type this.
I don't have a 'type' per se. I guess we can start here: I like girls. It baffles me that certain hair colors or eye colors so greatly affect people's attraction to other people. HOWEVER that being said, I DO find myself less attracted to Asian girls. I don't know what it is. There are a few exceptions, but in general... not for me.
I am fascinated by objects (and specifically animals) that are larger than i am. Whales, SHARKS, sky scrapers, transformers, DINOSAURS, jungle cats, etc. Remember that scene from the new King Kong movie where king kong fights off like 3 t rexes?!?! totally awesome.
Things that swarm frighten me/creep me out. New Indiana Jones film, with the ants or whatever? I know, most of you are trying to pretend they didn't make the new movie, but I'm kind of a sucker for Shia. And shameless action flicks.
I would really love to write a book. However, what with this blog, schoolwork, REGULAR work, and screwing around, i simply can't find the time. Also, i get the feeling i would REALLY love it, and try to like, make a career out of it, and if i did THAT, well... why did i even go to college? Lord knows my writing skills haven't much improved over the course of my Madison experience. I'll get to it eventually. As a side project.
OK, I'm too lazy to add fun links and pictures and such. Maybe i can do some REALLY cool things tomorrow to make up for it? ok sweet, it's a deal!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Bad Hair Day
Today I am insecure.
. . .
I woke to find that yesterday should definitely have been laundry day. All of my stylish/socially acceptable pants were dirty, leaving me with these jeans that are too small in every dimension. They are neither attractive nor comfortable. Cleanliness is really all they have going for them. Also, the best of my 3 shirts available is a long sleeve t shirt with a biblical message on it. Not only have i passed the phase of my life where i believe i can influence people's opinions/thoughts/faith through a witty shirt, "long sleeve" was in this case rather a loose term. In addition, in my weakened state of self-esteem, i noticed that my hair is getting far too long and unruly, and i should have shaved before classes. HOWEVER, now all of that is over, and i can remedy some of the aforementioned issues.
My friend corey made a note that something very important was missing from my favorite shows list: Firefly. Corey, all i can say to you is that i must have repressed all memory of the show during the horrible depression i felt upon learning there would be no more seasons.
For those of you unaware, Firefly is a really wonderful show. If there's even a tiny touch of geekiness in you... well, you should already have seen it. It was cancelled after its first season due to a Fox network scheduling snafu, leaving countless questions completely unanswered, and countless geeks unimaginably disappointed. Thankfully, Joss Whedon agreed to make a movie a few years later, which was nowheres near as good as the TV series, but did its best to wrap up a few of the hundreds of loose ends the show had left.
I thought i was gonna be done talking about Firefly after that paragraph, but i've changed my mind. Its a show about SPACE COWBOYS essentially! They run around doing heroic and morally questionable things! Actually, they may be more akin to space pirates...
AND look at the female cast of this show!!
I was gonna put pictures of all the hot girls that are featured at some point or another in Firefly, but I'm trying not to lose all 2 of my female subscribers in one fell swoop. I'm including Christina Hendricks because... well LOOK at her!! Her breasts are friggin' larger than her head! EACH ONE is larger than her head!! She is outrageously proportioned!! In a good way. (I know this is becoming a pattern, but i swear, this isn't going to turn into 'Nick's Hot Chick of the Day', just stay with me lol)
But so long as we are being misogynistic, while i was at work this evening, one of my friends told me that from birth, a newborn infant's eyes are the size they will always be, while a person's nose and ears continue to grow throughout their lifetime. Initially, this caused me to think, 'well, i suppose that's why some people age better than others. Their ears and nose didn't grow too fast.'
When i made this declaration to my friend, he asked if i thought mouths grew throughout one's lifetime as well, at which point i noted that when a baby is born, their mouth is juuuuuuust big enough to fit a nipple in! And if our mouths remained baby sized, we would surely starve to death. And THAT'S when it hit me! ... We are doing it wrong...
I'm on a roll? Hey, why are girls stupid? because they suck at sports!
Honestly now. I'm done pandering to my male readership
I might not be. Dont worry guys, everyone knows men have better vision than women
So this past weekend i got pretty drunk, and upon returning home to the apartment, i got the hiccups. I decided the only way to get rid of them was holding my breath until they went away. I held my breath until i passed out. So... VICTORY!!! NO MOAR HICCUPS! And i got a nap in! A really long one.
Alright, have a lovely day everyone. I'm off to go be responsible!!
. . .
I woke to find that yesterday should definitely have been laundry day. All of my stylish/socially acceptable pants were dirty, leaving me with these jeans that are too small in every dimension. They are neither attractive nor comfortable. Cleanliness is really all they have going for them. Also, the best of my 3 shirts available is a long sleeve t shirt with a biblical message on it. Not only have i passed the phase of my life where i believe i can influence people's opinions/thoughts/faith through a witty shirt, "long sleeve" was in this case rather a loose term. In addition, in my weakened state of self-esteem, i noticed that my hair is getting far too long and unruly, and i should have shaved before classes. HOWEVER, now all of that is over, and i can remedy some of the aforementioned issues.
My friend corey made a note that something very important was missing from my favorite shows list: Firefly. Corey, all i can say to you is that i must have repressed all memory of the show during the horrible depression i felt upon learning there would be no more seasons.
For those of you unaware, Firefly is a really wonderful show. If there's even a tiny touch of geekiness in you... well, you should already have seen it. It was cancelled after its first season due to a Fox network scheduling snafu, leaving countless questions completely unanswered, and countless geeks unimaginably disappointed. Thankfully, Joss Whedon agreed to make a movie a few years later, which was nowheres near as good as the TV series, but did its best to wrap up a few of the hundreds of loose ends the show had left.
I thought i was gonna be done talking about Firefly after that paragraph, but i've changed my mind. Its a show about SPACE COWBOYS essentially! They run around doing heroic and morally questionable things! Actually, they may be more akin to space pirates...
AND look at the female cast of this show!!
I was gonna put pictures of all the hot girls that are featured at some point or another in Firefly, but I'm trying not to lose all 2 of my female subscribers in one fell swoop. I'm including Christina Hendricks because... well LOOK at her!! Her breasts are friggin' larger than her head! EACH ONE is larger than her head!! She is outrageously proportioned!! In a good way. (I know this is becoming a pattern, but i swear, this isn't going to turn into 'Nick's Hot Chick of the Day', just stay with me lol)
But so long as we are being misogynistic, while i was at work this evening, one of my friends told me that from birth, a newborn infant's eyes are the size they will always be, while a person's nose and ears continue to grow throughout their lifetime. Initially, this caused me to think, 'well, i suppose that's why some people age better than others. Their ears and nose didn't grow too fast.'
When i made this declaration to my friend, he asked if i thought mouths grew throughout one's lifetime as well, at which point i noted that when a baby is born, their mouth is juuuuuuust big enough to fit a nipple in! And if our mouths remained baby sized, we would surely starve to death. And THAT'S when it hit me! ... We are doing it wrong...
I'm on a roll? Hey, why are girls stupid? because they suck at sports!
Honestly now. I'm done pandering to my male readership
I might not be. Dont worry guys, everyone knows men have better vision than women
So this past weekend i got pretty drunk, and upon returning home to the apartment, i got the hiccups. I decided the only way to get rid of them was holding my breath until they went away. I held my breath until i passed out. So... VICTORY!!! NO MOAR HICCUPS! And i got a nap in! A really long one.
Alright, have a lovely day everyone. I'm off to go be responsible!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
"Braveheart: they should have just called it Moon Titties!"
Good evening friends!! Andy and i have FINALLY finished watching Braveheart (last night got a little... distracted. however in addition to remembering just how good the movie is, i NOTICED SOMETHING whilst checking yesterday's post, and i'ma break it for you now!!
Moving on.
I also began watching season three of Arrested Development this afternoon, and it was SO BRILLIANT!! I honestly havent even seen most of season 2 truthfully, but this show is just SO well written. Everything ties together and... man, i'm really geekin' out about it right now.
While we are on excellent TV shows, here, these are my current/all time favorites in order to the best of my abilities from my favorite to... well, my very slightly less favorite.
-How I Met Your Mother
-The Office (seasons 2, 3, and 4)
-Arrested Development
-Big Bang Theory
-Heroes (Season 1)
-Family Guy (about 3 years ago and before)
If you trust me - and you definitely should - and if you haven't seen the shows i just listed, please please PLEASE!!! Go watch them right now. In the order specified. You may stop at Arrested Development if you like. I can accept 50%. Also, the bottom 3 are a bit geekier. Well, not Family Guy, but you know what i mean. You're pickin' up what i'm puttin' down.
Also, last night with Das Boot and Karaoke Kid was a HUGE success!! Unfortunately as I was not the photographer for the evening, the photos are not yet available to me, and without them i really think the story may be... Well, I just think it will be infinitely more amusing with visual aids. And since I'm the one in charge, we are waiting til tomorrow for the story!!
i was gonna end it here, but I've decided in the spirit of convincing you to watch my favorite TV shows that i'm gonna throw some clips in here at the end! Enjoi.
How i met your mother
The Office (this one's a little long. I'm not sorry.)
Big Bang Theory
And finally (I'm sorry this has no relevance to anything but) CHECK THIS OUT!!! Hours of distraction.
Moving on.
I also began watching season three of Arrested Development this afternoon, and it was SO BRILLIANT!! I honestly havent even seen most of season 2 truthfully, but this show is just SO well written. Everything ties together and... man, i'm really geekin' out about it right now.
While we are on excellent TV shows, here, these are my current/all time favorites in order to the best of my abilities from my favorite to... well, my very slightly less favorite.
-How I Met Your Mother
-The Office (seasons 2, 3, and 4)
-Arrested Development
-Big Bang Theory
-Heroes (Season 1)
-Family Guy (about 3 years ago and before)
If you trust me - and you definitely should - and if you haven't seen the shows i just listed, please please PLEASE!!! Go watch them right now. In the order specified. You may stop at Arrested Development if you like. I can accept 50%. Also, the bottom 3 are a bit geekier. Well, not Family Guy, but you know what i mean. You're pickin' up what i'm puttin' down.
Also, last night with Das Boot and Karaoke Kid was a HUGE success!! Unfortunately as I was not the photographer for the evening, the photos are not yet available to me, and without them i really think the story may be... Well, I just think it will be infinitely more amusing with visual aids. And since I'm the one in charge, we are waiting til tomorrow for the story!!
i was gonna end it here, but I've decided in the spirit of convincing you to watch my favorite TV shows that i'm gonna throw some clips in here at the end! Enjoi.
How i met your mother
The Office (this one's a little long. I'm not sorry.)
Big Bang Theory
And finally (I'm sorry this has no relevance to anything but) CHECK THIS OUT!!! Hours of distraction.
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