Monday, October 12, 2009

"I'm the Hip-Hop-Opotamus, my lyrics are bottomless! ..."

Today i remembered something that happened to me in freshman year, and it struck me so powerfully when it happened again this morning that i have to relate it to you now.

Pretty girls make me forget how to yawn.

I don't know how this happens. Freshman year i was walking down the street yawning myself a mighty yawn, and i was right at the climax of my yawnery when this really cute girl walked by staring at me, her eyes (and in fact her entire expression for some reason!) saying something like What the hell is that guy doing? It was like she had never seen a yawn before! And in that moment, i panicked, and completely forgot how to finish the action. Which left me embarrassingly walking down the street with my mouth wide open for no particular reason. Like, really wide.

And at work today, it happened again. It was so strange. It's like a mental block now! I'm afraid i wont remember how to yawn when i need to! Yikes.

As i look at the clock, i realize i've yawned at least once for each time i've typed the word. It is time for sleeps, but i will continue my pointless inner (though less so now) monologue on the morrow!

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