Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mood Pollution

Today, i woke up feeling rather crabby. There are a plethora of reasons for this, but it will suffice to say that i didn't get enough sleep. I rose with a short fuse, and felt my temper flare almost immediately. Firstly, i woke to the girls chattering in the living room. Which is fine. But what i was thinking was, "Why aren't they busy making my french toast?"

I woke up and asked them how they slept (with only a bit of mockery, considering the events of the past evening), followed pretty abruptly by WHERE IS MY FUCKING FRENCH TOAST?!

Then there was some hedging/excuses involving Andy still being asleep, and asking if we had the appropriate ingredients. We had no cinnamon in the house of course, so i dutifully went and bought some while Andy entered the world of the wakeful.

When i returned, Andy was awake, but as i entered the apartment with the final necessary ingredient for french toast, Lauren and Emily had convinced everyone to watch "I threw It on the Ground!" which is an SNL skit (its really funny actually). I begged her to start the french toast instead, but she insisted that the video had to be viewed immediately.

It is at this point that i grow frustrated. I've been up for a good 45 minutes now, with no near future prospects of the delicious breakfast i was promised. Because we all know what is started when one embarks on a viral video journey. It's never just one video. Once you pop, you just can't stop. They SAID it would be just one video, but this is a common theme of my life. I tell someone how something is going to happen, they refuse to listen, do the stupid thing anyway, and then it happens.

Sophomore year, back when i had football tickets, Jake and I would always go to the game together, with a hodge-podge of different tag-a-longs (incidentally my favorite girl scout cookie). Nearly every game, we would stay until the very end, and then participate in "5th quarter." Now these games are already at least 3 hours long. By the end of them, I am always tired of standing, and absolutely ravenous, however Jake always wants to stay for the little song and dance portion which is another 30 minutes of energetic jumping, shouting, and thrusting hips about that i frankly never feel up for post game. We were there with people who had done 5th quarter before (and for those of you that have never done it, or perhaps done it just once, it is always the same. They play the same 5-6 songs every time, without fail. Not exciting. In my opinion at least. Which is currently the one that matters.)

I turn to Jake and say, "Jake, can we PLEASE go get some food? I am gonna die if we stay for 5th quarter today, and everyone here has experienced it before, and you KNOW i love the badgers, but i've just been expressing it for three solid hours! I'm hoarse, exhausted, and starving. Food? Please? I'll let you decide where!"

At this point, he looks at me contemplatively, as if to size up whether my current figure could withstand another hour of malnourishment. He says to me, "Nick, i just want to sing Varsity, and after that, we can go." Sounds like a bargain, right?


I KNOW that if we stay for Varsity, the transitions are far too smooth with the band, and far too alluring to this school spirit filled all-American badger cheering machine. If we are here for Varsity, i will not be able to pull him away. I voice my concerns.

"Jake. Please. I know you. Don't make me do this. Please."
"Nick, i promise, it will just be varsity"

It wasn't just varsity. We did varsity, the band started "Tequila" and i saw Jake's eyes light up, and i resigned myself to starving to death. Back to my original story.

We watched I Threw It on the Ground, which led to repeated quotations of other Andy Samburg shorts, which led to statements like, "Wait!! You haven't seen _____ ?! O, we have to watch that right now!!" Rinse and repeat. I just want my french toast.

So i'm trying to stifle my urge to scream as the third Samburg classic comes on when Aaron pokes his head into the room and asks me if i could help him do some dishes. Not only am i not enjoying a delicious, sugary, fulfilling breakfast, but i am also now engaging in courtesy driven labor. I am feeling pretty furious.

Generally this sequence of events would have been a minor disappointment at worst, but this is cranky Nick. I take no prisoners. It's all i can do to be cordial. I finally get my french toast, and it was pretty great. an hour and a half later than i would have liked it, but delicious nonetheless (thank you Lauren). We finish eating breakfast, and realize that we have about 45 minutes before our movie showing of Where the Wild Things Are. Andy jumps in the shower, and comes out with about 32 minutes til show time. Now i know that it will take us about 15 minutes to drive to the theater, and i've also made note that the car taking us there isn't directly outside of the apartment. So when Lauren declares she would really like a shower, i once more voice my concerns.

If we left when Andy came out of the shower, we may have made it to the theater in time for previews. I explained my quick number crunch to Lauren while Andy was finishing his shower, but as is nearly always the case, i am assured that what i am sure will happen won't happen. Lauren says she can take a shower in 5 minutes. I am skeptical. But once again, it isn't like i can forbid my friends from doing what they are gonna do, so i let her take her stupid shower (WE ARE GOING TO A MOVIE THEATER. WE AREN'T GOING TO LOOK AT YOU, WE ARE GOING TO LOOK AT THE WILD THINGS. ITS DARK IN THERE. ZOMGZ.) Her shower takes 10 minutes, and the consequent hair and make-up session seals our fate as not only missing the previews, but potentially the first few minutes of the movie. This is a huge pet peeve for me. I walk with them all the way to car, at which point i look at my phone. It is 2:50. The movie starts at 2:50. I realize that if i go with them, i am just going to be a bundle of negative energy. I would certainly have brought the whole group down.

I turned around, walked home, and took a nap. I felt much much better after that. And Andy told me the movie was "pretty good," which if you know Andy, is like a 4 out of 10 for anyone else. He likes everything nowadays. Pretty good is a condemnation as far as i'm concerned.

Later, we watched All the Real Girls, one of Andy's favorite movies, but right at the freaking climax i get a text from one of my friends in my Shakespeare class reminding me to go to a review session for the exam i kinda forgot i had. So i didn't get to see the end of that, which was kind of disappointing.

These are two things that made today more tolerable

shane singing 5 octaves
LOL!!! Check that finale!!! excellent.
Have a good day everyone.


  1. I HAVE NOT CRIED FROM LAUGHING IN FAR TOO LONG, SIR. thanks so much for the octave video lol

  2. HAHAHAHA i know, right?!?!?! so funny!!!!

  3. Jake wanted to sing Varsity? We always talked at hockey games about how lame, drawn out, and forced it was. You got played sir, played like a sap. Now if you'll excuse me I'm writing a paper due tomorrow about social media, which is ironically exactly why I'm not writing the paper!

  4. I know man, I know. Sometimes, people just don't want me to be happy.
